Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Interview Outfit

What do y'all think of my interview outfit?  Is the red too much?

Of course, I won't look exactly like that because I'm not a size zero, but you get the idea.  Yeah, that's right, I got the suit in petite :)

I'm going to New Orleans!

K-man and I were both asked to go to New Orleans for interviews at Xavier University.  We managed to schedule our interviews for April 16th so that we can stay an extra day and explore the city.  I'm so excited, have a permanent smile on my face.  Seriously.

Neither of us have ever been there.  Does anyone have any suggestions for things to see, places to eat, etc?

Things are actually happening....there's a light at the end of the tunnel.  What's the light, you ask?  Getting out of P-town!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Happy Ada Lovelace Day!

Today is Ada Lovelace day-- a day to celebrate women in science and tech.  At the Ada Lovelace web page, I pledged to write about a kick-ass woman in science.  I was given Rae McQuade to blog about.

Rae McQuade has bachelor's degrees in Mathematics and Chemistry and did graduate work in Energy Economics. She is now the President for the North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB). She has led many initiatives for energy use reform. In March 2000, Rae was awarded the Appreciation Service Award by the  Secretary of Energy for her work in creating an efficacious energy standards organization.
 (image via: https://www.ferc.gov)

Here's to all the awesome women in science and tech!


Monday, March 22, 2010

Yep, I'm a Fan :)

K-man:  "Can you believe Kansas and Iowa?"

Me:  blank stare

K-man: waits for some sort of reaction

Me: blank stare

K-man: "March Madness?"

Me: "Oh. That's basketball, right?"

K-man: eyeroll in utter disbelief

Friday, March 19, 2010

Bad Blogger, Bad!

Hey all, sorry for the lack of posts.  Update: I'm busy with studying for my oral exams, finishing my thesis, and applying for jobs.  For those of you who don't know, K-man and I are currently looking for dual-career academic jobs for next fall...not an easy task.  Yesterday we heard that both of us were short listed for two different schools, both of which have two openings!!!!!

Funny Animals

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Dude was definitely an Achiever last night!!

Congratulations Jeff!

Has anybody seen Crazy Heart yet?  As you can guess, it didn't come to P-town.