Hi all!
In case you haven't noticed, I haven't been doing anything here for a while.
What happened? In the past couple months I have traveled quite a bit (Pocatello, Pittsburgh, Boston), I'm starting a crazy semester at my current job while trying to look for a new job, and I decided to add one more chapter of results to my thesis before calling it finished.
***I just don't have time to write blog posts***
So Rambling Bug is going on hiatus.
Fear not, friends/family... the whole point of this was to keep YOU updated on the happenings in my life. I will keep in touch via email/phone-- you know, like a normal person.
You never know, maybe someday Rambling Bug will spring back to life.
I leave you with something funny I just saw on the internets:
Fotoshop by Adobé from Jesse Rosten on Vimeo.
(funny/sad because it's true)