Here's the thing, for the amount of information I actually got, it could've been done (efficiently) in an hour-- scratch that, it could have been done over a one-page email. So ridiculous. Why doesn't this company realize math people are not very hands-on? We don't need to role-play every scenario, in fact role-playing is considered a form of torture. Seriously. They might as well have been sticking bamboo shoots up under my finger nails.
I have to go back tomorrow for more
*Something you might not know about me: I'm a huge fan of street art. My brother influenced me because he's always been into it. The above is by Banksy. Over Easter weekend, K-man and I did a Banksy tour of New Orleans and drove all over the city. K-man's a good sport. Anyway, it was a really great way to see a bunch of the neighborhoods we'd never been to. I'll post pictures soon.
Ooh, love Banksy! Can't wait to see the photos! Sorry you're in torture training. If it's any consolation, I have both been there and done that. :-). --Denise
ReplyDeleteI'll post soon! BTW we're coming to the burgh late june and early july. We would love to get together with you and Dave.