I normally don't go out of my way to make sure I've seen all the movies nominated for best picture before the Oscars. This year, however, I'm going to an Oscar viewing party so this week K-man and I have been trying to cram in as many of the movies as possible so we can try to sound intelligent at the party. Here is my take on the nominations:
Winter's Bone: Wow, what a bleak story--and I mean that in the best possible way. This movie was very understated and really well shot. Jennifer Lawrence did an amazing job, I'm psyched she got nominated for best actress.
True Grit: I'll watch anything with El Duderino in it. I loved this movie. Everyone in it did a fantastic job. I look forward to seeing more of Hailee Steinfeld. The cinematography was beautiful.
Toy Story 3: I thought this movie was awesome. Very sweet and very funny. I'm a fan of Pixar in general. I will say I hope they end it here. They won't, but I think they should.
The Social Network: You know what I think of this movie. It was fine.
The Kids are Alright: Don't hate me for saying this, but I didn't love this as much as the critics. I think it's fantastic to show a regular, loving family with parents who happen to be gay. I just kept thinking, would the critics have liked this movie in general if it wasn't still a pretty new thing to show gay parents in a movie? I thought the story line was a little boring. Overall I liked the movie; I just wasn't in love with it.
Inception: Great movie. I saw this when it came out and the special effects blew me away.
Black Swan: I saw this last night. I guess "saw" isn't quite the right because I had my eyes closed for a lot of it. I've decided I'm just not built for Darren Aronofsky's movies. I recognize that he is very talented and does new things that have major impact on people (Black Swan is no exception) but his movies just make me too uncomfortable. I thought all of the actors did an amazing job; I can't imagine how much training was required. Out of the movies I've seen I would pick this as best picture.
I'm disappointed I didn't make it to see 127 Hours because I love James Franco. Let's be honest though, it's probably another movie I'd be uncomfortable watching. I also didn't make it to The Fighter or The King's Speech. 7 out of 10 isn't so bad though :) Word on the internets is The King's Speech should take home the statue. I wouldn't be surprised if it did.
Ok you all, what are your opinions on these movies? Which do you think will win the Oscar?
Side note: It's awesome to see so many movies picked with strong female roles.
127 Hours was by far my pick for Best Picture, and Natalie Portman owes Michelle Williams every single one of those awards.:-). (opinionated)