Monday, February 28, 2011

Carnival season is crazy...

Here's my schedule for the week+
Tomorrow:  Josh Ritter at the famous Tipitinas

Thursday: krewe of Muses

Saturday: krewe of Endymion

Tuesday: Fat Tuesday, need I say more?

Sunday, February 27, 2011

OMG, I'm so happy!

I have officially become part of the Yelp elite!  I'm so excited.  What is Yelp elite?  It is the cool kid's club on Yelp. I get to go to exclusive Yelp events and I'm considered an ambassador for Yelp.  Tonight I went to the academy awards Yelp event and it was fabulous. I got an awesome swag bag and met a bunch of cool people. If you are in a new city trying to meet people, I definitely recommend Yelp to do so.

Update: I guess it's not *official* technically.  I have to wait for the national headquarters to approve it.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Happy Friday Everyone!

I normally don't go out of my way to make sure I've seen all the movies nominated for best picture before the Oscars.  This year, however, I'm going to an Oscar viewing party so this week K-man and I have been trying to cram in as many of the movies as possible so we can try to sound intelligent at the party.  Here is my take on the nominations:

Winter's Bone: Wow, what a bleak story--and I mean that in the best possible way.  This movie was very understated and really well shot.  Jennifer Lawrence did an amazing job, I'm psyched she got nominated for best actress.

True Grit:  I'll watch anything with El Duderino in it.  I loved this movie.  Everyone in it did a fantastic job.  I look forward to seeing more of Hailee Steinfeld. The cinematography was beautiful.

Toy Story 3:  I thought this movie was awesome.  Very sweet and very funny.  I'm a fan of Pixar in general.  I will say I hope they end it here.  They won't, but I think they should.

The Social Network: You know what I think of this movie. It was fine.

The Kids are Alright:  Don't hate me for saying this, but I didn't love this as much as the critics.  I think it's fantastic to show a regular, loving family with parents who happen to be gayI just kept thinking, would the critics have liked this movie in general if it wasn't still a pretty new thing to show gay parents in a movie? I thought the story line was a little boring. Overall I liked the movie; I just wasn't in love with it.

Inception:  Great movie.  I saw this when it came out and the special effects blew me away.

Black Swan:  I saw this last night.  I guess "saw" isn't quite the right because I had my eyes closed for a lot of it. I've decided I'm just not built for Darren Aronofsky's movies.  I recognize that he is very talented and does new things that have major impact on people (Black Swan is no exception) but his movies just make me too uncomfortable. I thought all of the actors did an amazing job; I can't imagine how much training was required.  Out of the movies I've seen I would pick this as best picture.

I'm disappointed I didn't make it to see 127 Hours because I love James Franco.  Let's be honest though, it's probably another movie I'd be uncomfortable watching.  I also didn't make it to The Fighter or The King's Speech.  7 out of 10 isn't so bad though :)  Word on the internets is The King's Speech should take home the statue.  I wouldn't be surprised if it did.

Ok you all, what are your opinions on these movies? Which do you think will win the Oscar?

Side note: It's awesome to see so many movies picked with strong female roles.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


For those of you who are an amazon prime member, they are now letting you stream 5,000 movies for free.

Monday, February 21, 2011

So I finally watched Social Network...

This is about my generation, right?  I should relate.  Oh wait, I'm a female--why would I relate to a tech-driven movie unless I'm there to take my clothes off?  F-you Fincher.  Yes, I've read your response to women hating your movie. Your response is weak (at best).

All that aside, why is this up for best movie? Fast dialogue + acceptable soundtrack + "of the time" topic = acadamy award nominee? I don't get it, somebody explain it to this stupid chick.

Update: It was a fine movie, I don't mean to sound so bitter.  Best picture though?

Friday, February 18, 2011

I just finished the series Freaks and Geeks.

This is Bill, my favorite character, in my favorite scene in the whole series:

His character is so sweet, I love him. I can't believe this show got canceled after one season.
*love* the Darth Vader cup.

Funding is about to be cut for Planned Parenthood:

Did you hear? The House voted to bar Planned Parenthood from federal funding. They cut funding for HIV tests, cancer screenings, birth control, and more, putting millions of women and families at risk. We can't let it go unanswered. It's time for you and me to stand with Planned Parenthood. Sign the open letter to the reps who voted for this bill — and to the senators who still have a chance to stop it.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


This is officially my favorite Mardi Gras Krewe:
Heh, their dues are $42. (Don't worry if you don't get this, but it is the answer to the question in the universe.)

On a side note, here's a conversation K-man and I had yesterday:
He was telling me something about Corvette Summer, a movie Mark Hammil did in between episode IV and V,

Me: "Was that before or after Mark's accident?"
K-man: "He had his accident during Corvette Summer."
Me: "Oh, ok"
K-man: "Wait, how do you know about Mark Hammil's accident?"
Me: "Don't you know who you're married to?"
K-man: laughing--"My awesome Star Wars nerd wife."

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Look at my new computer!

I'm really excited.  My friends out there that use Macs, expect some calls from me for tech support ;)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day Everybody!

Tonight, K-man and I are going to see Sixteen Candles on the big screen.
It's been re-released in quite a few cities, so if you need something to do tonight, this might be a fun option.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


K-man and I splurged and got tickets to go to a party at one of our favorite restaurants for one of the biggest parades during Mardi Gras, Endymion.  The ticket includes an open bar, sidewalk seating during the parades, lunch, and dinner (it's an ALL DAY event). I'm so glad we got our tickets because guess who the Krewe of Endymion picked as one of the Grand Marshals? 

The Silver Fox!!

That's right, I'll get to see these baby blues in person!

Image via CNN.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

OMG, I want this cat.

Hold me closer Tony Danza.

Until an embarrassing age I thought these were the lyrics to Tiny Dancer.  True story.  This may be due to me being raised in the "Who's the Boss" generation, but these being the lyrics totally made sense to me.  "I'd be OK with Tony Danza holding me close," I thought.  When I found out my mistake, I was completely embarrassed.  How many people heard me sing "Hold me closer Tony Danza"? 

Apparently, I'm not the only one:

Monday, February 7, 2011

Another one?

K-man was a saint and agreed to watch Sex and the City 2 with me (disclaimer:  we got it with a free red box code--I would hate myself for spending money on it).  We turned it off after 20 minutes; I didn't want to ruin the series for myself.  Today I found out they are making an SATC prequel starring Blake Lively as Carrie.  A prequel? WTF? Did they not learn from getting a crazy number of Razzie nominations for SATC2?

Even Carrie is face-palming this one.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

It happened again.

This happened again today-- with a different student.  Really.  (Really?)